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Online Survey Distribution

14/03/2022 17:05 | NSN Website Admin (UKSSB) (Administrator)

Are you completing a research project or data collection exercise you want to have a wider reach with your peers and colleagues?

The National Spine Network (NSN) is a member of the United Kingdom Spine Societies Board (UKSSB) and they are now providing a platform for distribution of your surveys via the UKSSB Newsletter, which is sent to all constituent society members on a regular basis (usually around once a month), which includes NSN members.

Submitted surveys will be assessed by the UKSSB and accepted surveys will be sent to all constituent society members in the next newsletter. 

For more information, visit:

***Please Note***

This form and process is administered by the United Kingdom Spine Societies Board (UKSSB) on behalf of the above listed Spine Societies.
Surveys distributed are not endorsements by the UKSSB or the Spine Societies.
We cannot guarantee that surveys will be approved for distribution by the societies, or that members will complete the surveys that are approved and sent.

About the NSN

The National Spine Network (NSN) is an active multi-professional collaboration dedicated to the implementation of the best evidence for the management of spinal disorders through the National Back and Radicular Pain Pathway. The strength of the network lies with its members, learning from each other’s vast cumulative knowledge and experience to promote excellence in clinical care.



National Spine Network (c/o UKSSB)
38-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, Holborn, London, WC2A 3PE

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National Spine Network (NSN)
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