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CPPP National Survey - Coming Soon!

17/03/2022 16:50 | NSN Website Admin (UKSSB) (Administrator)

The CPPP session at Virtual Britspine 2021 highlighted the difficulties of implementing CPPP with significant variations in intensity, outcome measures and delivery in current programmes.

A key component of the NICE NG59 Guidelines in managing persistent low back pain is the provision of CPPP.

The National Spinal Network (NSN) is preparing a national survey to explore current practice and barriers to implementing CPPP.

We want to hear from you- even if you don’t have access to CPPP!

Further details will be sent to all NSN members and posted to Twitter (@NatSpineNetwork)

If you are not currently a member, sign up HERE or follow us on Twitter!

About the NSN

The National Spine Network (NSN) is an active multi-professional collaboration dedicated to the implementation of the best evidence for the management of spinal disorders through the National Back and Radicular Pain Pathway. The strength of the network lies with its members, learning from each other’s vast cumulative knowledge and experience to promote excellence in clinical care.



National Spine Network (c/o UKSSB)
38-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, Holborn, London, WC2A 3PE

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National Spine Network (NSN)
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