We have three vacancies within the NSN executive.
Please consider joining our friendly committee!
Deadline for EOI: Monday 26th February 2024
We welcome all NSN members to consider joining the National Spine Network (NSN) Executive Board for three upcoming roles:
1. General executive member
2. Research officer
3. AQP representative
The NSN are keen to invite applications from the whole of the MDT
If you wish to learn more about each of these roles, please email info@nationalspinenetwork.co.uk
Please send in your firm expressions of interest to info@nationalspinenetwork.co.uk by Monday 26th February 2024, with the following information:
1. The position you wish to apply for
2. a short summary (no more than 300 words) of why you wish to apply
Election for the new exec members will occur at our AGM on Tuesday 5th March at the NSN study day.
More details regarding the day can be found here: https://nationalspinenetwork.co.uk/NSN2024