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Poster Submissions welcome for #NSN2023

13/01/2023 13:34 | NSN Website Admin (UKSSB) (Administrator)

Submission deadline:  Monday 20th February 2023

Why not showcase your work implementing best practice in spinal care by presenting a poster at the National Spine Network annual meeting, to be held at the SEC Centre in Glasgow on Monday 17th April 2023?

The role of the National Spine Network is to provide opportunities for sharing and learning best practice, innovation and transformation in spinal care.  We invite all NSN members and/or delegates to this year’s NSN meeting to submit an abstract (or draft/ digital version of a poster) to be considered for a poster presentation.

PLEASE NOTE: This is separate to the BritSpine 2023 Abstract Submission process - for more information about BritSpine, please visit:

If your poster is accepted for the NSN Meeting, you will need to bring your poster to the NSN meeting in Glasgow to discuss with delegates during the various networking opportunities throughout the day.

You may also request to be considered to present at the 3 minute quick-fire oral poster session. 


Submission deadline:  Monday 20th February 2023

Posters that provide a summary of best practice or innovative work relevant to spinal care pathways in the UK will be considered. You/ your team should have led or been integrally involved in the work.

Submission process:  

Submissions should be made by email to, marked ‘For Attention of Christine Comer’ before the deadline of Monday 20th February. Submissions after this date will not be considered.

Please indicate your presentation preference:

In your email, please let us know if you prefer your submission to be considered for

a)    Poster display only
b)    Poster display and 3 minute oral presentation

Submission formats:

In the interests of encouraging everyone to share their work and minimising work and effort, we will accept a range of formats for posters submitted for consideration as follows:

a)    Completed or draft poster in digital format (for example if you have a poster already prepared that you have used previously at a research conference you can submit a power-point slide or clear photo of your poster, or if you have started preparing a poster using power-point or similar this can be submitted even if not yet finalised).

b)    Poster abstracts (the more traditional format for research conferences is a text summary (maximum 250 words) of what will be included on poster. We would suggest using subheadings such as ‘Background/introduction’; ‘Innovative Practice/Methods’; ‘Evaluation/ Results/Impact’ The abstract should also provide a title, details of the authors and their affiliations, and any acknowledgements and references.

You will be informed by email of the decision on whether your poster has been accepted for presentation at the NSN Meeting by Wednesday 1st March 2023

If your poster submission is selected:

It will be your responsibility to prepare your final poster, have it printed, transport it and put up your poster on arrival at Glasgow SEC on Monday 17 April 2023. You will also need to register for the meeting (Registration can be found at

Poster size: posters should be between A0 (841x1189mm) and A1 (594x841mm) in portrait orientation (not landscape)

Font size: a minimum Arial font size 20 should be used

If this is your first time preparing/submitting a poster, you may find the attached template useful as a starting point, or might like to look at the example posters and templates via a Google Search. We would encourage you to make your poster as visually impactful as possible, whilst still being easy to read.

About the NSN

The National Spine Network (NSN) is an active multi-professional collaboration dedicated to the implementation of the best evidence for the management of spinal disorders through the National Back and Radicular Pain Pathway. The strength of the network lies with its members, learning from each other’s vast cumulative knowledge and experience to promote excellence in clinical care.



National Spine Network (c/o UKSSB)
38-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, Holborn, London, WC2A 3PE

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